It's time for answers

Together, we can find these monsters and expose them.

The Industry of child  and youth trafficking, and its auxiliary side businesses have made some people skyrocketing rich.

Who is harming children and young people?  Well this is a long story indeed but in a nutshell many, in-fact far more than you could ever imagine.  It is truly is a world within itself.  The huge numbers of people who commit harm to children is staggering. 

In regular society, there can be many who harm children, physically, emotionally, mentally, sexually. There is child slavery and indentured servitude also. Poor care and forms of negligence are, in many ways, also prevalent.    

The Industry of child  and youth trafficking, and its auxiliary side businesses have made some people skyrocketing rich.  This is big money. Often the exploiters are in places and positions in society which make them almost untouchable due to their wealth and vast networks.  With such riches, many government agencies, organizations, companies and even churches are now corrupt and compromised.  Every single one of the people who are connected to these organizations – and they know who they are – as we will all soon too  – will be made complicit in some way and face consequences some time, some where. The leaders will all be made public as veils continue to lift from our eyes.

Silence is one of the most dangerous things for children in today’s world.  Protecting those in power in society, not wanting to believe they could be involved, or not wanting to bite the hand that feeds them, the vast majority of people simply never ask or think about.  Who is harming children and young people?  Who is capturing the children?

Do those children and young people who have gone missing not deserve our thoughts – our action to find out who is doing this?

Help OCOC help find out who is responsible for harm to children and crimes against children and please help us make them accountable.

I Was Sold Into An Elite P*dophile Network
Anneke Lucas from the age of six was sold by her own mother to an elite ped*phile network. She was trafficked and groomed daily by her mother.
Magic Kingdom
Full Documentary | Disney Exposed
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