Our country our children: TOP STORY

Welcome to Protect Our Children, a project of Our Country Our Choice.

By Dr. Juliette Engel and Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES. PhD (Candidate)

The War on Our Children is an Inside Job

Introduction – Dr. Juliette Engel

Welcome to Protect Our Children, a project of Our Country Our Choice.

We are launching this website, Our Country Our Children (ourcountryourchildren.com), to shine a spotlight on the dangers facing American children. Our future generations are at risk like never before.  Without children, we have no future as a nation or as a species. Dark forces are waging a war against our children and this is a war that we must win. 

The War on Our Children is an Inside Job

Americans are inundated daily with news stories, videos, radio programs and podcasts about wars in Ukraine and Israel, pending nuclear war with Russia, the invasion of our borders, our failing economy, attacks on our farmers, and our churches. But the biggest threat to our future existence is never mentioned. That threat is the television set in your living room that endlessly spews radical nihilist ideology directly through your children’s eyes and into their minds. The same radical ideologies are being taught in our schools. Overworked parents who struggle to provide a safe home and put food on the table entrust the schools and establishment media to educate their children. Instead of learning basic skills, moral values and healthy living, children are groomed and indoctrinated with radical political and gender-bending ideologies. The heroic parents who confront this evil are treated as criminals. This is proof that the attack on America’s children is an inside job, one that has been decades in the making. 

During World War II, leading Nazi scientists conducted unspeakable mind-control experiments in German concentration camps. At the end of the war, they were arrested and tried at Nuremburg, but not executed as Americans were led to believe. Hundreds were brought to the United States under a program called Project Paperclip and generously funded by the CIA to continue their work on American children. I know because I was one of those children and my family was involved in all stages of Project Paperclip and its manifestation, MKUltra. The goal of my programming  was to steal my soul and to do that I was subjected to torture, sexual abuse, drugs and satanic rituals. I describe that childhood in my book, Sparky: Surviving Sex Magick. I was promised that the pain would stop if I surrendered my soul. After that, I would become a celebrity, a glittering star in the constellation of Hollywood or the labyrinth of government. I don’t know how many children gave up their souls, but I believe we see them as adults in government and media acting with impunity, destroying without consequences and surrounded by wealth. Now they are the ones coming for our children.

Pedophiles and child traffickers in America have become a protected class. Our federal government is run by them. Hollywood is infested with them. The media kowtows to them. If you doubt that, ask yourself: “Where is the list of politicians and celebrities who sexually abused and murdered children on Little St. James, Jeffrey Epstein’s private island?” The FBI has it. Florida State Police have it. NYPD has it. The Department of Justice has it. The CIA and Mossad have it. The White House has it. Why don’t we? Is it possible that the agencies who are paid with tax dollars to defend our children are complicit in the war against them? By hiding the truth from the parents and families who comprise the main line of defense against pedophiles and child traffickers our government is not protecting us, but protecting itself.

The truth is that the government is not and will not protect your children from pedophiles, sexual groomers and child traffickers. This isn’t an accident but part of a long-planned strategy that is poised to take immediate advantage of vulnerable families when the economy is stressed by the next “black swan” financial event and crashes. It is coming. Be prepared.

Start by studying the materials on the Our Country Our Children website and reading our newsletters as we unfurl the history of the plot against our children. You must learn to recognize the danger, step up to your role as a frontline defender, and do something about it.

We are very fortunate to be working with a private discussion group, that created a vault of documents they realized would be pulled from the internet during the inevitable American awakening.  It’s an unwieldy amount of material collected. For that reason, we will be breaking down key topics and actual cases that will educate you on how child trafficking has grown in America. 

This week we are starting with one of the oldest and most evil government run child trafficking/blackmail rings – The Finders. 


Silencing the Lambs – Introducing The Finders

Mary Otto-Chang, HBA, MES, PhD (Candidate)

Part One:  Metronome of Horror – One American Child Missing Every Minute

Today, human trafficking and its auxiliary trades and services, is an expansive, exponentially growing and robust, highly lucrative global industry.  Its depravity does not affect its profit margins.  Worldwide and insidious, yet shielded behind governmental, diplomatic, religious, corporate or even NGO and civilian cover, this human “livestock” industry thrives.   With minimum estimates at one American child missing every minute, this metronome of horror continues, tick-ticking away lives, in uncaring steady rhythm, as cash registers in the black market go cha-ching. 

Now we must traverse a jungle of thorned words, censored reports and murdered whistleblowers as the hell of this topic surrounds us.   We read, we listen, we watch. We are incredulous, we are shocked, and then we are saddened.   This is the story of American government paid persons, and their accomplices, who, under a guise of alternative lifestyle, and other veneers, searched, stole, sold, neglected, abused, and even silenced, the most vulnerable and innocent of society —our children. 

Our search takes us to Culpeper Virginia, just south of the DC beltway and we open with the story of The Finders, in many ways the original “men in black.” They were briefly brought to the forefront of American media in 1987, when, on 4 February, an anonymous caller to police, reported two men with six unkempt children in a van in Myers Park, Tallahassee.  The story faded into obscurity but remains highly relevant today. To think The Finders, and other similar businesses, are a thing of the past, is to be hopeful, but naïve. In  2001, Former FBI Senior Special Agent-In Charge, Ted Gunderson, warned about the growing influence of satanic related crimes in America through The Gunderson Report,[1] based on 25 years of research into unresolved cases involving horrific satanic child rituals.[2]

Below is an introduction to The Finders, with various fluorescent highlights of their long story presented.   To attempt to encapsulate the whole tale within the confines of this word count serves neither the reader, nor the truth.  As such, we encourage you to peruse the various sources below, to find the answers to the many questions you are undoubtedly bound to have.

Mystery and byzantine explanations abound, as public narratives of what The Finders was about varied in a myriad of explanations, from simply a group with an alternative lifestyle that prioritized intellectual pursuits and communal living, as a movement to rear children in unstructured, nature-based child-led ways, to a computer training company for the CIA.  The latter was actually verified. 

The Washington City Paper once described the Finders as such: “In appearance, the Finders—mostly middle-aged men, always in dark suits—wouldn’t be out of place managing a local funeral home. Townspeople in Culpeper say the Finders constantly walk the streets, following people home and taking extensive notes and pictures. They often appear at local council meetings, never saying a word but simply observing the scene. “

One US News and World Report article stated: “The more the police learned about the Finders, the more bizarre they seemed: There were suggestions of child abuse, Satanism, dealing in pornography and ritualistic animal slaughter.”

Part Two:  Old Files Reveal New Truths

A declassified FBI file released in 2019, reveals The Finders case that had been kept secret from public view since the 1970’s and 1980’s. These reports expose the criminality of satanic cults, ritual child sex abuse, animal and human sacrifice, human trafficking, child pornography, and mind control psychological operations experimented on children. But as horrific as these crimes are, the most damning ones, are those being committed through our own justice system, by our Central Intelligence Agencies, the FBI, other intelligence companies and their connections with people of power in government, the Justice Department, the immigration system, the Military Industrial Complex, the education system, in medical science, the elite class, terrorist organizations, socialist and communist agendas foreign and domestic. There is an active criminal enterprise embedded within our governmental apparatus that is far-reaching and ongoing in America today and around the world. [3]

The Washington Times reported: “Other Customs Service documents and records from the FBI and Metropolitan Police provide indications that the CIA had links to the Finders or at least to some of the group’s members. A Metropolitan Police document quotes a CIA agent as confirming that his agency was sending its personnel to “Finders Corp., Future Enterprises, for training in computer operations.” And a later Customs Service report says that the CIA “admitted to owning the Finders organization as a front for a domestic computer training operation but that it had gone bad.”

[1] https://educate-yourself.org/cn/gundersonreportchildsexualabuse.shtml


[3] Marie Koh 2020 https://www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/HyungJinMoon-20/HyungJinMoon-200805a.pdf

Part Three:  Cognitive Dissonance – The Dark Overlords’ Cloak of Invisibility

Decades after the public learned of The Finders and under the Freedom of Information Act, hundreds of pages of government records pertaining to the Finders, with much of the information redacted, were released in 2019.   The fact that the government spent significant resources to produce hundreds of pages of reports, along with the actual information transparent in the files, clearly showed that in no way were The Finders simply a group of people practicing alternative lifestyles, but rather entities entangled with the pseudo government/deep state. Further, if all was innocent, as decided after less than a week in 1987, then why were the 2019 release of facts, heavily redacted, and why were they once again obscured by mainstream media, and never presented in forensic legal enquiry of any form?

Although we are approaching forty years since The Finders made their way to the front page of newspapers all over the United States, questions still remain.  Why was evidence of the Game Caller’s games involving trafficking of children and ritual abuse shunted away?  Why did this story, which made mainstream headlines, disappear in less than a week? Why are there significant variations within the news stories of that time?  So many contradictions.

The story of The Finders is also most relevant today because it quintessentially embraces what is cognitive dissonance, and clearly shows how the citizens of a country, in this case the U.S.A., have great difficulty in believing that their own protectors are betraying them. 

Cognitive dissonance, a known human psychological process, simply put, illustrates how most people are not comfortable with two opposing beliefs simultaneously.  The human body, with accompanying biochemical processes, was created at a time when real and pressing problems such as starvation, predatory animals, fire and so on, were the name of the game. Thus abstract ideas such as ‘can the lion be dangerous and not dangerous at the same time?’, were not conducive to human survival.  To this day, the vast majority of people feel more comfortable with “or” than “and“.  Dualistic things are messy and are not categorized easily.  They are cogs in the wheels of our go to paradigms of logic and science. 

But the fact that cognitive dissonance exists, is one of the primary means by which the people who are running these evil operations like to collaborate with the very organizations which society believes protects children and youth.  We have been reared to believe that these agencies, be they government branches for child protection, churches, foster homes, orphanages, school and civil organizations, amongst others, are without doubt, proper and legit, and also that because they exist, we taxpayers can trust them to look after any issues and the honest media will report what is happening. 

This trust is grossly misplaced.  For it is a fact, that it is these same government-supported services American Taxpayers pay for, who are often involved directly or indirectly in heinous crimes against children and young people.  This is the dark overlords’ main invisibility cloak.

And this is why so many people seemingly cannot awaken to the truths.  First, the lies must be stripped away with more evidence than normal to erase the years of conditioning and brain washing.  Then, the alternative story tellers must be trusted and then, and only then, can someone be open to a new truth, a new story.

History repeats itself: Just like The Finders case, we see local law enforcement agencies and the FBI being told to stand down on the Anthony Weiner case. In fact, the FBI’s actions sanctioned the atrocities of Weiner, Podesta, Epstein, and the other CIA agents acting as lobbyists by giving them immunity, shorter-than-normal sentences, and simply turning a blind-eye.

Walk with us, in good will and unwavering faith, as we need first to look, and then to see, and then to act.  Even under rule of corrupt governments and their wayward authorities, we must take action, utilizing all our rights. 

Enter all of the government structures and use all the mechanisms and civil and legal instruments at your disposal. Demand that your government representatives take action. Make your government your own, as it should be, and as it proclaims in the founding documents of this country.  

Join Our Country, Our Choice, and Let’s Protect Our Children.







https://www.tparents.org/Moon-Talks/HyungJinMoon-20/HyungJinMoon-200805a.pdf https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TCSZ9fsqsu8





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