One of many UN Cut-outs Attacking America’s Children

By Juliette Engel, MD


NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association, and other UN proxies that promote pedophilia and pederasty are currently lobbying US Congress to abolish the age of sexual consent in America. If they are successful, you and your child will have no legal defense against pedophiles. How could this happen?

A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers … heard in the very halls of government itself.”

Those are the words of Marcus Tullius Cicero, a staunch defender of human rights and the Roman Republic one year before his violent assassination in 43 BC by political rival Marc Antony. His public murder heralded the end of the Roman Republic, a form of government which was not to rise again until the founding of the American Republic nearly 2000 years later.

As Founding Father Benjamin Franklin left the final deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was asked what form of government the delegates had created. In reply, he famously quipped: “A Republic, if you can keep it.” For two hundred years our Republic has held off foreign invaders using military force when necessary. Now America faces unprecedented threats from within. The American mind and moral compass is being infiltrated with self-destructive ideology openly promoted by the United Nations. The targets of that invasion are American children. The planning for this war on our children pre-dates the founding of the United Nations and can be found deep in the roots of the Central Intelligence Agency.

The CIA and UN’s Love Child: MK Ultra

During World War II, leading Nazi scientists conducted unspeakable experiments on mind control in German concentration camps. At the end of the war, they were arrested and tried at Nuremburg, but not executed as Americans were led to believe. Hundreds were brought to the United States under a program called Project Paperclip and generously funded by the CIA to continue their work on American children. I know because I was one of those children and my family was involved in all stages of Project Paperclip. The goal of my programming in Project Monarch was to steal my soul and to do that I was subjected to torture, sexual abuse, drugs and satanic rituals. I describe my childhood in my book, Sparky: Surviving Sex Magick. I was promised by my handlers that the pain would stop when I released my soul. After that, I would become a celebrity, a glittering star in the constellation of Hollywood or the labyrinth of government. I don’t know how many children gave up their souls, but I believe we see them as adults in government and media acting with impunity, destroying without consequences, and surrounded by wealth. Now they are the ones coming for our children.

As Cicero said two Millennia ago, the enemy within is more dangerous than any invading force precisely because we don’t know who they are. For that reason, the newsletters of Protect Our Children will highlight the various cut-outs used to disguise the two master manipulators behind the war on American children – the United Nations and the CIA. This week, we focus on the North American Man/Boy Love Association or NAMBLA. This is only one example of dozens of United Nations cut-outs which threaten the safety of the American child while being shielded by complicit media and politicians.

NAMBLA STRATEGY: Legalizing Pedophilia by Abolishing the Age of Consent for Sex

By Greg Taylor with Mary Otto-Chang HBA, MES Ph.D. (Candidate)

The legal age of sexual consent in the United States varies from state to state between 16 and 18 years of age. According to NAMBLA, however, the age of consent for sex is irrelevant if “love” is involved and tragically, in March 2023, the United Nations International Court of Justice officially adopted the NAMBLA recommendations. And there we have it folks. The international court has removed all legal protections against pedophiles.

If you think that what goes on at the United Nations Court of International Justice will have no impact on your lives, you should reconsider.

Most people are unfamiliar with how “influence” happens in the intergovernmental worlds. This is a large topic in the fields of policy and legislation that we will be discussing over the coming months. One needs to remember that the governmental and intergovernmental systems are now widely compromised. This is a big discussion:

The table below clearly shows the level of power the USA has in the UN

As you can see from the chart, the American Delegation to the United Nations is the largest. It is also the driving force behind promoting LGBTQ etc., agendas globally. It has a huge budget to bribe government officials in other countries to adopt the NAMBLA agenda and drop the age of sexual consent. If they are bribing foreign lawmakers, what do you think they are doing to American lawmakers.

If the international policies trickle down to your locale, as they will in time if left uchecked,  pedophiles will henceforth be protected as a ‘vulnerable group‘.  Such is the situation now with

pedophiles claiming to be the “non-Hateful” Minor Attracted Persons or MAPs. 

They are coming for your children, and you, the American taxpayer, are paying for it. All that stands between your child and sexual predation is the United States Congress, many of whom are members of or sympathetic to NAMBLA.

In this photograph, a sitting Congresswoman openly wears a NAMBLA ring in the Congressional Chamber.

How Could This Happen in the Land of the Free?

Pederasty Ring Shocks America.

In 1977, Boston police raided a house in the Revere district and arrested 24 men who were charged with 100 felony counts of rape against boys from the age of eight to fifteen. Police said that these pedophiles had coerced boys using drugs and video games. They lured the children to the house where they raped them and photographed them in the process. 

While society was outraged, this did not deter the likes of David Thorstad. He, and other influential pedophiles, established NAMBLA in 1978 to fight the oppression of gay men engaging in pedophilia.  According to Thorstad: “Pederasty, or sexual relations between a grown man and a boy, is historically the most common form of homosexuality in Western culture, as well as many other cultures”.

According to David Thorstad homosexuals must get back to a “radical vision of sexual freedom for all. We need to reaffirm our place in the great variety of same-sex behaviors that exist—have always existed—in human societies. We dare not allow our homosexual gift to be alienated from us by the limited vision, stifling political correctness, and erotophobic provincialism.In short, homosexuals should openly support the promotion of adult/child sex![1]

From 1979 through the 1980’s not so much was heard publicly about NAMBLA, and reports have been scrubbed from the internet, but if one wishes to see more information, there are 550 pages of FBI files.[2]

Some reports state that the group no longer has regular national meetings, and that as of the late 1990s to avoid local police infiltration, the organization discouraged the formation of local chapters. An undercover detective around 1995 discovered that there were 1,100 people on the rolls.

In 1994, NAMBLA was expelled from the International Lesbian and Gay Association, having been the first US based organization to be a member.  A movie, “Chicken Hawk: Men Who Love Boys

[1] file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/homosexuals_NAMBLA.pdf


was produced and directed by Adi Sideman in 1994. Members of NAMBLA were interviewed and presented defenses of the organization and of pederasty. Allen Ginsberg appeared in the film.[1]

Further to what turns on NAMBLA Members, an inside investigator, reported that:

“I had found NAMBLA’s “porn,” and it was Hollywood. It was network television, Sunday ad supplements, Nickelodeon, and the Disney Channel. NAMBLA doesn’t need to manufacture porn, because America manufactures it for them. It was astonishing just how rich and satisfying the vast ocean of mainstream kid-fare was for these men.”[2]

As of 2005 a newspaper report stated that NAMBLA was based in New York and San Francisco, and that it held an annual gathering in New York City and monthly meetings around the country.  Media reports from 2006 have suggested that for practical purposes the group no longer existed and consisted only of a web site maintained by a few enthusiasts.   However, in 2005, Pat Trueman, Family Research Council stated “NAMBLA is pretty quiet, but you see they’re still alive. The FBI says there are hundreds of people that belong, many of them in positions of power and influence.”[3] 

NAMBLA is recognized by child advocacy groups as a front for the criminal sexual exploitation of children, functioning as a meeting place for male pedophiles and pederasts and their sympathizers. NAMBLA rejects the widely held view that sex between adults and minors is always harmful, arguing that “the outcomes of personal experiences between adults and younger people primarily depend upon whether their relationships were consensual.”[4] Onell R. Soto, a San Diego Union-Tribune writer, wrote in February 2005: “Law enforcement officials and mental health professionals say that while NAMBLA’s membership numbers are small, the group has a dangerous ripple effect through the Internet by sanctioning the behavior of those who would abuse children.”

This is not a function of the group size, but of who is in it and how it operates in conjunction with other cut-outs to form an effective and aggressive lobbying block. NAMBLA no longer marches in pride parades, and gay papers no longer publish extended debates about whether such groups belong in the fold. It doesn’t need to but NAMBLA is not a fringe group. Supporters of the organization included Beat Generation poet and writer Allen Ginsburg and noted academic, social critic and feminist Camille Paglia, Professor at the University of the Arts, Philadelphia.  As Paglia explained “I fail to see what is wrong with erotic fondling with any age.”[5] Through pedophile academics, writers, and entertainers, NAMBLA took root in many liberal institutions.

Let’s get serious people. The United Nations has planned a mothership policy guidance instrument to “govern” our guardianship of our children, who they want to become “their” children. Pedophilia, along with a multitude of other perverse practices, is already inside the educational system being normalized in plain sight. Man / boy love is being indoctrinated into young minds and the US Government is making you pay for it.

By now you should be asking yourself: What power does the UN have over the American citizens? How does the UN affect policy in the US? Who in the US government makes the policy decisions affecting our children and how can we influence those decisions? Is pedophilia already being presented to our children in the educational system?”


Responses to these important questions will be published in the upcoming Protect Our Children newsletters. In it, our United Nations expert Mary Otto-Chang will peel away the layers to show you how the UN makes war on America. It is a complicated mechanism and nefarious plan decades in the making.


Next week, we will disclose the plans developed at OCOC to take back control over our communities and bring an end to legalized pedophilia and child trafficking in America.



Who We Are · NAMBLA

North American Man/Boy Love Association – Wikipedia

Camille Paglia – Wikipedia

David Thorstad – Wikipedia







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