An Apology and a Flashback

By Juliette Engel, MD

PROTECT. OUR. CHILDREN. It’s not easy and it is a massive scale problem. But with the power of many, we can fight this.

Consider this, our third newsletter, an apology to all those active members of Our Country Our Choice who signed up to join us in the fight against child exploitation and trafficking but have not been contacted yet. You must be wondering what is taking us so long. I will tell you but first…a flashback:

When I returned to the United States from Moscow in 2010 after twenty years working in Russia and starting the Angel Coalition Underground Railroad that had rescued 70,000 trafficking victims from the former Soviet Union, I started looking for similar groups to work with in the United States. I visited state officials, grant making agencies and the United Nations, among many others who were well known to me. At that time, I was being recruited by the Council on Foreign Relations and I attended their events thinking they would be interested in supporting an American version of the Angel Coalition. I went back to the State Department Office to Monitor and Prevent Human Trafficking, the agency that had funded much of my work in Russia. I wasn’t going empty-handed. I’d left Russia with a satchel full of evidence linking Russian and Ukrainian traffickers to their mafia counterparts in the United States. Surely with this information we could get ahead of human trafficking in this country.

I was told repeatedly that there was no human trafficking in the US and that all monies that had once supported anti-trafficking activities abroad had been redirected to law enforcement programs inside and outside of the US. I then made myself unpopular by predicting the Color Revolution that was taking place inside Ukraine, the bioweapons labs funded by Pharma on the Russian border and the baby farms throughout Ukraine and Georgia that were murdering infants and selling their organs.

Nobody listened; nobody cared. I finally understood that they were in on it either through corruption, complacence or incompetence. I didn’t want to believe this about my own government, but when I asked acquaintances in US intelligence about this, one “well-meaning” CIA officer took me aside and told me that he could have me killed for $500. His advice was to shut up about child trafficking because: “Too many people too high up are making too much money.”I was informed by friends in the Russian government that I had been placed on the Ukrainian Secret Service foreign “kill list,”Mirodvorets, along with five hundred other Americans including Colonel MacGregor and Tucker Carlson.

I stopped talking but didn’t stop writing. I wrote three books including my memoir SPARKY about my life as a trafficked child in MKUltra. I continued to read and study, watching with dismay how America was being transformed into everything evil that the Soviet Union had once been before its Christian revival under Vladimir Putin. I watched Trump take a valiant stand against child trafficking only to be pulled down in chains by the satanic elite.

Stories would briefly appear in the media about brave whistleblowers exposing the trafficking and murder of children taking place in tunnels in Los Angeles and Washington DC. Their voices would be quickly muffled, the stories discredited by “experts” and the whistleblowers disappeared. The United Nations had once been helpful but since adopting the dystopian Millenium Development Goals in 2000, real charities and NGOs could no longer function. Instead, they had been replaced by “cut-out” organizations put into place to promote the globalist agenda to depopulate the world with the next fake “vaccine,” while pushing a transhuman gender-bending agenda and prodding Russia into nuclear war to hide the crimes of the globalist elite.

I have watched in frustration as corrupted media deliberately erased“child trafficking”out of the American conscience to such an extent that “grooming, trafficking and exploitation of American children” is not included in any opinion polls, Democrat or Republican. It should top every list. By controlling the mainstream news, social media and major publishing houses, the Deep State keeps the citizens of the United States in a state of blind ignorance like sheep to be slaughtered by chemtrails, vaccines, poisoned food and water, racial violence…and you know the rest. And why would the Nazi regime of Ukraine put me on their “kill list?” Child trafficking and the trafficking of human infant organs from Ukraine are major funders of this satanic killing machine operating in America.

Our Country Our Choice: A Glimmer of Hope

In March 2024, I was contacted by Our Country Our Choice. They were looking for a seasoned, battle-hardened veteran of the Deep State wars to lead a project against child exploitation and trafficking in America. I was brought on board to activate and train OCOC members on child trafficking prevention through a program called Protect Our Children. Whereas all other major media and social media platforms have censored anyone who attempts to wake up the public, the OCOC founders have developed a soon to be announced new platform that offers uncensored access to a nationwide network of citizen activists from grassroots community level to Congress.

The ability to communicate uncensored has been the missing ingredient in the war against the scourge of 21st Century slavery. This new platform will be a unifying force providing forums to meet and share accomplishments, lessons learned and best practice with chatrooms, secure intranets and eventually emergency call centers to support helplines in local communities.  It has been my goal since returning from Russia to implement an American unifying strategy for countering human trafficking that honors and supports local and regional initiatives beginning with a nationwide public information campaign launching on July 4, 2026. We call it PIC/2026.

Public Information Campaign – PIC/2026

In order to implement a successful public information campaign, local community organizations will require training in how to attract and motivate community members, develop confidence working with local media, and an understanding of where and how to focus their energies with other institutions including education and law enforcement. OCOC will develop a suite of print materials, radio and TV spots that are specifically designed to be customized for regional use. OCOC staff will provide training through the social media platform for each county of the United States and coordinate the national launch. Preparing the national network for an organized campaign will take two years from initial planning to PIC/2026 launch on July 4, 2026.

So what is taking us so long to start?

From our side, we have been delayed several times as the development of the social media platform required larger servers, increased security for member data and was hit by multiple cyber-attacks. At the same time tens of thousands of Americans were signing onto both Our Country Our Choice and Our Country Our Children which overwhelmed and crashed the servers. When new servers were added, the data was divided. As a result, some was duplicated, some was damaged. A team is currently working on that problem to develop a clean list of incredible people seeking to become active members. That said, the data is safe and will never be shared. All the work is being supervised by a guy named Patriot Frank.

Now what?

When OCOC has a secure home in the new social media network, we will reach out to all of you through our various projects and our state/county leaders. In the meantime, get yourself up to date on child trafficking. Use the newsletters we produce to start discussions in your neighborhoods and with your friends. The more informed you are as our active members, the faster we can move toward stopping the scourge of child trafficking and human trafficking in general.

In the time it takes to drink a cup of coffee, about a dozen more children and youth fall through the darkened cracks of society into unimaginable futures of horror and pain. That same 15/20 minutes, while drinking your coffee even, can be spent becoming more informed, sharing that knowledge, revealing the truth, taking part in local government actions, and demanding that our representatives and leaders do what we the majority want and that is:


It’s not easy and it is a massive scale problem. But with the power of many, we can fight this.

Join Us.

Our Country, Our Children

Be the hero our children need!


Help us and be a champion for our children’s future.